
Config = {}

Config.Framework = "standalone" -- esx | qbcore | standalone <-- You cannot use money with standalone
Config.Lang = "en" -- da = Danish | en = English
Config.notify = 'ox' -- [esx, ox]
Config.command = false -- Should command be used?
Config.Location = {-340.66, -137.47, 39.01} -- If no command, where should the location be? Vector3
Config.commandname = 'mechanic' -- Which command should be used?

-- Mechanic Names, what should they be?
Config.mechanic1 = "Sleepy Joe" -- What should the first mechanic be named?
Config.mechanic2 = "Donald Trump" -- What should the second mechanic be named?

-- Only ESX
Config.money = 'money'
Config.bank = 'bank'
Config.moneymin = 100 -- Minimum amount of money taken each time
Config.moneymax = 1000 -- Maximum amount of money taken each time

Last updated