🚢Spawn NPC Copy

Config = {}

Config.behavior = false -- (true/false) false = aggressive | true = No reaction (only working if the NPC have a weapon in hand)
Config.maxnpcs = 1 -- The limit of NPC Copies to spawn
Config.offset = 2.0 -- how many meters away from you should it spawn?

-- Weapon Options --

Config.givespecificweapon = true
-- (true/false) false = Gives u a menu to enter the weapon u wish | true = Edit the weapon below

--|| ONLY IF Config.givespecificweapon = true ||--
Config.weapon = "weapon_pistol50" -- Change the weapon ID https://wiki.rage.mp/index.php?title=Weapons
Config.random = false -- (true/false) false = not random, use line above | true = random, use line below
Config.weaponOptions = {"weapon_pistol", "weapon_combatpistol", "weapon_appistol"}
--|| -- ||--

-- Animation Option --

Config.loop = true -- (true/false) false = No loop | true = loop
Config.animationnotify = true -- (true/false)

-- Commands --

Config.commands = true -- (true/false) false = dont use commands | true = use commands ()

Config.spawncommand = "spawncopy" -- Change to your own command

Config.deletecommand = "deletecopy" -- Change to your own command

Config.weaponcommand = "addweapon" -- Change to your own command

Config.removeweaponcommand = "removeweapon" -- Change to your own command

Config.animationcommand = "playanimation" -- Change to your own command

Config.stopanimation = "stopanimation" -- Change to your own command

-- Menu --

Config.menu = true -- (true/false) false = No Menu | true = Menu [Require OX-LIB]

Config.menucommand = "npcmenu"  -- Change to your own command

Config.menudebug = true -- (true/false) false = No Debug Message | true = Gives a debug message (In F8) when u are going back in the menu

-- Notify System --

Config.notify = true -- (true/false) | Spawn Copy Notify
Config.ox = true -- (true/false) if false, then its Chat notify [READ readme.txt]

--|||OX SETTINGS|||--

-- Spawn NPC Copy Notify --
Config.type = 'success' -- ('inform' or 'error' or 'success'or 'warning')

-- Delete NPC Copy Notify --
Config.oxdeletetype = 'success' -- ('inform' or 'error' or 'success'or 'warning')
Config.deletenotify = true -- (true/false) | Delete Copy Notify

-- Max NPC Copy Notify --
Config.oxmaxtype = 'error' -- ('inform' or 'error' or 'success'or 'warning')

-- Playing Animation Notify --
Config.oxanimationtype1 = 'success' -- ('inform' or 'error' or 'success'or 'warning')

-- Not Playing Animation Because Of No Spawned NPCS Notify --
Config.oxanimationtype2 = 'error' -- ('inform' or 'error' or 'success'or 'warning')

-- Not Playing Animation Because Of Wrong Animation Name Notify --
Config.oxanimationtype3 = 'error' -- ('inform' or 'error' or 'success'or 'warning')

-- Stopped Animation --
Config.oxanimationtype4 = 'success' -- ('inform' or 'error' or 'success'or 'warning')

Last updated